About The Corporation

Serving Since 1972

NWSC was formed by Decree No. 34 in 1972 to serve the urban areas of Kampala, Entebbe, and Jinja. In 1995, NWSC was re-organized under the NWSC Statute.

Customer Satisfaction Index 2024
2029 Coverage Projections
Operating Towns

“ We have opened Branches Countrywide, to enable our customers’ access our services easily. Under Kampala Service Area, we have 28 Branches, Central Region – 61, Northern Region -25 , Eastern Region - 35 Branches and Western & South Western Region - 70 Branches ”

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is a public utility company wholly owned by the Government of Uganda. It was initially established under Decree No. 34 of 1972 as a public Corporation mandated to provide water supply and sewerage services in designated urban areas.

This legal framework was later repealed and replaced by the National Water and Sewerage Corporation Act, Cap 204, Laws of Uganda, which, under Section 5(1), mandates NWSC to operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it on a sound commercial and viable basis.

Additionally, the Corporation operates under the broader legal framework of the Water Act, Cap 164, Laws of Uganda, which consolidates laws relating to water resource management. Under Section 46 of the Water Act, NWSC is required to enter into a performance contract with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) to provide water and sewerage services efficiently and economically to the people of Uganda.


“Water for all, for a delighted customer by a delighted workforce”


The Leading Customer Service Oriented Utility in the World


To sustainably and equitably provide cost effective, quality water and sewerage services while conserving the environment and enhancing stakeholder trust.

Core Values

Our Customers

The Customer is the reason we exist: Is our slogan. We have therefore put in place a mechanism through which we can engage with customers. We take customer feedback seriously and endeavor to offer timely solutions to their concerns. Out of the 185,166 complaints registered in the FY 2021/22; 99% (183,296) were addressed.

The Corporation served more than 887,073 water and Sewerage customers during the reporting period, of which approximately 28,000 are pro-poor or Public Stand Posts (PSPs), whose tariff is subsidized. – You could get the information from the contact center team for the FY 2022-2023 – You could also use a monthly average for 2023/24.

The principal business as defined in the NWSC Act of 2000 is to operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it on a sound commercial and financially viable basis. NWSC operations have expanded in the 50 years from 3 Towns of Kampala, Jinja, and Entebbe in 1972 to 262 towns as of the end of June 2022, across the country.


Our Products

The core business of the Corporation is the provision of water and sewerage services in urban centers in Uganda.

Water Services

NWSC extracts raw water from various sources (ground and surface water), treats it and distributes to our esteemed customers. This is effected through a network of production plants (71 WTPs), transmission and distribution mains (22,721 Km), boosters and reservoirs. 

It is our mandate to supply clean and potable water to our customers. It is in this regard that the water is treated to ensure it is safe for human consumption in compliance with National and International Standards.

Our operations include expansion and maintenance of our water pipe network up to the water meter on the Customer’s property, pressure and leakage management across our network, water conservation andminimizing pipe failures. 

Sewerage Services

We operate centralized sewerage systems of collecting, treating and discharging effluent in 17 out of the 276 towns. These include; Kampala, Jinja, Entebbe, Masaka, Iganga, Tororo, Mbale, Soroti, Lira, Gulu, Arua, Mbarara, FortPortal, Hoima, Masindi, Kabale, and Kisoro.

We also operates faecal sludge treatment facilities in Buwama, Bukakata, Ntungamo, Mayuge and Kampala (Lubigi and Bugolobi).

NWSC ensures that the quality of wastewater effluent discharged into the environment meets the National Standards and for posterity.

The sewerage service coverage is still low due to the limited pipe network coverage (764Km). The Corporation is developing the Sanitation Investment Plan (SIP), which will increase access to sanitation in all our Areas of operation.


We have also developed capacity to provide consultancy/ advisory services (External Services) to other utilities across the region and other parts of the world. These services include: laboratory services, GIS surveying & mapping, ICT services, billing & customer care, vocational training, capacity development and international conference facilities.


NWSC has a well-defined tariff structure, approved by the Minister of Water and Environment. The tariff is adjusted periodically based on changes in the macro-economic parameters that affect the cost of inputs.



Operating in 7 towns

Serving less than 500,000 people

Coverage 20%

750 Km Water Network

26,000 Connections

Asset Base – USD 12.6 million


Operating in 273 towns

Serving 18,000,000 people

Coverage 80%

22,721 Km Water Network

930,000 Connections

Asset Base – USD 1.015 billion

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) – 80%


Operating in 350 towns

Serving 25,000,000 people

Coverage 95%

25,063 Km Water Network

1,200,000 Connections

Customer Satisfaction Index – 80%

Revenue – USD 1.57 billion